When you talk about a green chile cheeseburger, Burger Boy is a place that I have long considered a central New Mexico staple.
Located in the mountain suburb of Cedar Crest, this restaurant is a bit off the beaten path. If I didn’t live in Cedar Crest when I was young, it is even possible I wouldn’t know about it. I have a lot of nostalgia about the kids taco meal with the smiley face fries. Unfortunately the fries are no longer, but the green chile cheeseburger is still great

The burger has a lot of cheese, and a nice crispy toasted bun. There was a good char on the meat, and all the different flavors worked well together. The bun is a little flimsy, but the texture was quite nice and enjoyable to eat.
Overall, the cooking techniques to make this burger are really good. This is a burger with good fundamentals.
As far as the spice, it is a medium chile at best. It wasn’t very spicy, even when eating the chile by itself. That being said, the flavor was there, and I was satisfied. Unless you really need some fire in your burger, this should satisfy most people. In fact, I would recommend it as a place to eat a green chile cheeseburger for tourists, as they often aren’t as accustomed to heat as New Mexicans.